Charlie C. Tan Picks

这些摄影佳作;文章及图片等等。是我(CharlieBrown8989 aka Charlie C. Tan 陈祖辉字伟强)主要在LOFTER,网络上所搜集或是网页推送服务推荐的资料和信息。我本人从没有从事散播-传播危害的意图,绝没有任何政经宗教等等效益。所有的筛选后转载是个人基于美术;艺术,真善良美;好的一切,收藏及共享。

Daily Madison:

Incredible Aerial Photography of The Earth’s Beaches

Photogrpahy duo Salty Wings are a pair of professional drone and aerial photographers comprised of  Jampal and Michael Goetze. In their latest collaborative project, the pair has featured amazing views of numerous beaches that take shots of the tumbling waves of aquamarine blue colliding beaches and rocky cliffs.

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